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Please Note:

the content on this blog may be unsuitable for preschool toys. we trust your judgment as to whether you choose to have age appropriate toys are near while you view our site! some of our music prompts are also a bit grown up for little pitchers. you'll need to click the play arrow to listen to the music portion of our prompts. you may want to do that when the big ears aren't listening. ~the girlz



Margrethe Aas Johnsen: Stavanger, Norway
OnLine: PapirDiva, mercurygrrl, drinking-mercury
Gallery: HERE
Favorite Cuss Word: Do I have to choose just one?! Bitch and/or cunt
Please explain what "being in the gutter" means to you. Getting in touch with my REAL feelings, and letting the world know. I have a huge problem with raising my voice in real life, letting other know my opinion, but online, and through scrapbooking, I've become better at it. Also, I'm not a very vocal person, so the journaling aspect of scrapbooking is just excellent, as well as titles.

My creativity comes and goes. I "majored" in art in high school (which works a little bit different here than in the US), and used that as my springboard to photography. After doing that for 2 years or so, I was introduced to scrapbooking. Sure, it was fun enough, but since I don't have children, I never knew what to make pages about. Then I found Gutter Girlz, and knew it was ok to be a bit self-absorbed. I'm still learning how to use this art form to vent and get everything out in the open, and I continue to try and get others to do the same. Scrapbooking isn't just about the good days, but all aspects of life.

GUTTER IDOLS: Everyone? Seriously... everyone. I admire anyone who does something different from how I use to do it. I love looking through other people's galleries. I especially enjoy those artists who are able to mess with paint and glue and whatnot. I'm still trying...