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Please Note:

the content on this blog may be unsuitable for preschool toys. we trust your judgment as to whether you choose to have age appropriate toys are near while you view our site! some of our music prompts are also a bit grown up for little pitchers. you'll need to click the play arrow to listen to the music portion of our prompts. you may want to do that when the big ears aren't listening. ~the girlz


and the BOOBY prize goes to....

THANK YOU SO MUCH, ladies, for your donations to the Susan G Koman foundation!! We, as a group, raised over $100.00 toward research and prevention through the foundation!! As promised, we have chosen a winner for our donated goody!! Thanks, Tanya!! It's a AWESOME gift!! So, LAURA JEAN!! Please give us an email with your mailing information!! Be sure to put BOOBY PRIZE in your subject line!!

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Tanya said...

A special thank you for all of the donations through Gutter Girlz this past October for Breast Cancer Awareness!

I'm definitely "aware" of the importance of finding a cure so that we can rid women (and men) of breast cancer. As a survivor myself, I know that I appreciate all that people do for the research. For some it's money, for others its the walks, buying something where a % goes to the cause. Whatever it is, it all helps.

Congrats to Laura Jean for winning the cute prize I have waiting to be shipped to you! And THANK YOU!


latte_grande said...

Thank you, TANYA!! And congrats to LJ! :)

Nikki said...

Awesome Laura! Congrats!

Laurajean said...

WOOHOO....that is Awesome, thank You ;o)

🌈🌈🌈 said...

Nice job ladies!!

I'm actually done on time!
If you don't know